
Pankreas je velika žlezda s unutrašnjim i spoljašnjim lučenjem endokrino egzokrina smeštena duboko u gornjem delu trbušne duplje između želuca i kičmenog stuba dugačka oko 15 cm a oblikom podseća na punoglavca.
Pankreas. The pancreas is an abdominal organ that is located behind the stomach and is surrounded by other organs including the spleen liver and small intestine. Rak pankreasa je na osmom mestu po smrtnosti od svih kancera. The pancreas is a glandular organ that produces a number of hormones essential to the body. The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system and endocrine system of vertebrates in humans it is located in the abdomen behind the stomach and functions as a gland the pancreas has both an endocrine and a digestive exocrine function.
The pancreas is located below and behind the stomach. Pancreatic elastase is a form of elastase that is produced in the acinar cells of the pancreas initially produced as an inactive zymogen and later activated in the duodenum by trypsin elastases form a subfamily of serine proteases characterized by a distinctive structure consisting of two beta barrel domains converging at the active site that hydrolyze amides and esters amongst many proteins. Pankreas leží za žalúdkom pred chrbticou. Unutarnjim lučenjem u krv luči hormone inzulin glukagon koji reguliraju razinu šećera u krv te somatostatin i pankreatični polipeptid vanjskim lučenjem ona lučeći enzime amilazu i lipazu koji uglavnom služe za otapanje masti sudjeluje u kemijskoj razgradnji hrane.
Koja je funkcija pankreasa. Pomáha telu využívať a ukladať energiu z jedla produkciou hormónov ktoré kontrolujú hladinu cukru v krvi a trávacich enzýmov ktoré rozkladajú jedlo. It forms an integral part of the digestive system. As an endocrine gland it functions mostly to regulate blood sugar levels secreting the hormones insulin glucagon somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide.
Webmd s pancreas anatomy page provides a detailed image definition and information about the pancreas. месо известен още под името задстомашна жлеза е голяма храносмилателна жлеза разположена напречно върху задната стена на коремната кухина има продълговата форма. Learn the conditions that affect the pancreas as well as its function and location in the body. Rakovina pankreasu nastáva keď v ňom abnormálne bunky začnú formovať tkanivo tumoru informoval chirurg.