
Together with stock the meat is placed into bowls which are then left to cool and the dish is ready to congeal.
Pihtije. In some varieties chicken is used instead of pork. 1 glavica belog luka. Some recipes also include smoked meat. Ja i moj muz obozavamo pihtije pa resih jos jednom da ih napravim na izmaku sezone pihtija ovome me je naucila moja mama koja je uvek najbolje pravila pihtije sigurno mnogi od vas ovo pripremaju al ja radim ovako.
пача piftie or răcitură in romanian is an aspic like dish generally made from low cost pork meat such as the head shank or hock made into a semi consistent gelatinous cake like form. 2 sveže svinjske nogice i 2 dimljene. Pihtije is an aspic like dish generally made from low cost pork meat such as the head shank and or hock made into a semi consistent gelatinous cake like form. Pihtije is a serbian dish made from cheaper parts of pork such as the head shank or hock.
Spremaju se lako a jedu se u slast. Pihtije su upravo takva vrsta jela. 1 veza razne zeleni. The jellied pork starter which is still eaten across the country today.
Some recipes also include smoked meat. During serbian winters thrifty families made the most of scarce resources and freezing temperatures by preparing pihtije.